
We have an extensive selection of greenery, leaves and foliage

178 Products Found
Hypericum Berry Spray JI2660GR
Fern Spray FB0143-H
Fern Spray FB0143-I
Rose Leaf Bush HF1904GRN
Money Leaf Spray HF1929GRN
Camelia Foliage bunch S2680
Caladium Bush QD0011
Skimmia Spray FI9994GRY
Eucalyptus Spray SM137-BUR
Big Palm Leaf HF1434H-PNK
Eucalyptus Spray FB0015-GRY
Sage Spray S83P

Sage Spray S83P



71cm Lambs Ear S5798
Colocasia Leaf C110GR
Eucalyptus Bush HF1280W-GRN
Eucalyptus Leaf & Seed FI6984GRY
Heart Leaf Spray SM158-C
Magnolia Leaves Spray L405
Monstera Leaf FI7916GR
Tall real touch foliage LB024-GRN
Berry Pepper Spray FI8292PK